Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Can you get an Online Degree that Does not Require Math?

This is one of the most common questions that is asked in the distance learning forums, it seems there are a lot of people out there looking for degrees that do not require them to take math. Unfortunately the answer to that question is yes you can.

It makes sense that a lot of people ask about getting an online degree without taking any math classes, most people struggle with math and if you have been out of school for a long period of time it can be intimidating to have to start taking it again. The good news for these people is that there are plenty of online degree programs that do not require you to take any math classes.

I actually think that it is a bad thing that you can get an online degree without a math requirement. One of the keys to online learning being taken seriously is that standards have to be the same as they are for students at a regular college and there are few if any regular colleges that will grant a degree with no math credits. Since a large number of online schools are for profit businesses however and their customers clearly want a degree that does not require math they have made this possible.

If you are looking for a degree program without a math requirement your best bet is the private, for profit schools. In general state universities have the same standards for online students as they do for off line students and this almost always requires at least one math class.

While you can certainly get an online degree without taking math I would strongly recommend that you not follow this approach. Taking a degree that has the same standards as a regular college degree will give you a lot more credibility and it will help to improve the image of online learning in general. Besides in most cases the math requirement is only one course and as math courses go it is not usually a particularly difficult one. Equally important there is a reason that most regular colleges require you to take math, it is something that you really do need to know.

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